The easy bit of market segmentation is creating segments. The hard bit is working out if the resulting segments are useful. In this post, I…
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This post describes how to apply the three standard ways of scaling (transforming) rating scales data prior to using cluster analysis and other algorithms for…
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When segmenting a market, a practical challenge is to work out the number of segments. There are eight approaches to choosing the number of segments.
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Cluster analysis techniques require users to specify the number of clusters that they require. Six classes of approaches to choosing the number of clusters:
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Market segmentation typically involves forming groups of similar people. Segmentation variables are characteristics used to determine if they are similar.
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Latent class analysis requires the analyst to specify the number of classes prior to the application of the technique. Learn more about the seven approaches
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A practical challenge when working out how to segment is that there are usually lots of possible variables, and you need to reduce that number.
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Golden questions are used to allocate people to segments. They are also known as self-selection questions. The main applications of golden questions are:
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This article discusses how to work out which segmentation variables are appropriate from a list of variables.
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This page lists the key frameworks and processes for identifying relevant variables to use when segmenting a market. The best way to identify relevant
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Guide to Operational Segmentation and Inspirational Segmentation. Learn more in this informative article by data scientist Tim Bock on
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Market segmentation research is research that is used to help a firm identify segments in a market, with the end goal of developing different strategies.
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Market segmentation involves splitting a market into segments and developing different tactics and strategies for the segments.
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A dendrogram is a diagram that shows the hierarchical relationship between objects, often created as an output from hierarchical clustering. Read more.
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