
Seven ways to speed up your market research analysis and reporting today

In today’s hyper-competitive market research industry, the difference between using optimized market research analysis and reporting processes and using old, inefficient and costly processes is no minor thing. Transforming your market research analysis and reporting can help with significant cost savings, slash project turnaround times, and add value for your clients.

What you'll get from this whitepaper

Here are seven ways of optimizing your analyses and reporting to give yourself or your company a competitive edge.

  • Harness the ‘duplicate and modify’ workflow
  • Work collaboratively in real time
  • Use semi-automatic & automatic coding of text data
  • Use statistical tests to automatically screen tables
  • Automatically highlight statistical testing results on visualizations
  • Automatically update trackers
  • Create interactive, ‘self-service’ dashboards

More about this whitepaper

Modern software has made it possible for market researchers to transform once tedious, slow and error-strewn processes.

You can now use software to automate many manual tasks from pulling out and highlighting key statistical results to updating all your trackers instantly when new waves of data come in.

Along with the massive benefit in terms of saving time and costs, this allows you to potentially offer new services and focus on value-adds for your clients. In this ultra competitive market research industry, that’s no small thing.

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