
Discover new ways to visualize market research data

The webinar shows how to create visualizations that improve storytelling. It focuses exclusively on visualizations that work with standard market research data.

In this webinar you will learn

Here’s a little summary of some of the subjects we cover in this webinar

Visualizations explored: stream graphs, waffle charts, violin plots, slope graphs, bump charts, dot plots, palm trees, pictographs, circle packing, moonplots, Sankey diagrams, chord diagrams, choropleth, statebin, and all the standard chart types.

Techniques explored: small multiples, greying, squaring, banking, decomposing and recomposing, redundant encodings, removing lookups, creating shapes, forcing symmetry, adding norms, and showing statistical significance. Includes a discussion on what the best market research analysis software is for visualizations.

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