
The fast, easy, and free way to perform advanced analysis on your survey data.

Illustration of Displayr Survey Analyzer
Illustration of Displayr Survey Analyzer - Connect any data

Connect any survey data

Analyze your survey data instantly. Simply connect your data source. SQL, databases, Excel, CSV, text, SPSS, survey platforms, APIs, integrations, and more – we’ve got your integration needs covered. Once your data is in there you can start creating customized reports.

Find insights fast

Once your data is connected, the fun begins. With Displayr you can use advanced statistical testing to highlight key results. Summary tables? Crosstabs? Open-ended responses? Do it all.

Illustration of Displayr Survey Analyzer
Illustration of Displayr Survey Analyzer - Auto Updating Reports

Create dynamic, auto-updating reports

Survey data changes. And now your reports can change with it. Take advantage of automatic updating and ensure your results are always up-to-date.

Analyze your survey data
in 3 easy steps


Step 2

Follow the guided tour to learn more about analyzing survey data in Displayr. You’ll see how to create crosstabs, customize tables, and perform advanced analysis.


Step 3

Connect your own data and start exploring. Once ready, you can publish a report or export it as an interactive dashboard.

Illustration of Displayr Crosstab Builder

Visualize your data in minutes

Displayr is more than just a survey analysis tool. Once you’ve created your crosstabs and performed your advanced analysis, you can dive into the 100+ different visualization options to help tell your data story.

PowerPoint reports updated, automatically

Exporting your report to PowerPoint is a breeze. Then you can connect your PowerPoint reports to your raw data so that when your results get updated, so do your visualizations. Automatic updating is perfect for time series data. Just build your PowerPoint report once then keep it up-to-date with fresh data. Instant and error-free.

Illustration of Displayr Survey Analyzer - export options

What is survey analysis?

There are many different stages that go into conducting a survey – from defining the goals and writing the questions, to distributing the survey and gathering responses. When we talk about survey data analysis, we’re talking about everything that happens after the data has been collected. It is the process of studying the collected data to find patterns, trends, and insights.

A survey analyzer – like what Displayr has built – helps researchers, marketers, and businesses make sense of their collected responses by organizing, summarizing, and interpreting data efficiently. It allows for automated updates, meaning that as new data comes in, results and reports refresh in real time. This is especially useful for longitudinal surveys, tracking trends over time without manual effort.

With modern tools, survey analysis is no longer just about spreadsheets. AI-powered analysis can identify hidden patterns in large datasets, helping businesses make data-driven decisions faster. Interactive dashboards and visualizations make it easier to communicate findings, whether through shareable reports, PowerPoint exports, or dynamic dashboards.

Whether you’re conducting customer feedback surveys, market research, or employee engagement studies, a survey analyzer like Displayr helps you extract valuable insights quickly and effortlessly.

Displayr gets us out of PowerPoint and Excel and into a more advanced system where we all want to be. It almost makes the report building process more fun!
Dan Genord
Dan Genord

Director, Satrix Solutions

See why people love Displayr

Survey Analysis FAQs

What is the best way to analyze a survey?
There is no particular ‘best’ way to analyze a survey. Rather, there is only a best way to analyze the data from a specific survey. That being said, best practices such as cleaning your data, summarizing key metrics, and using statistical tests to identify significant results will be beneficial in most use cases. 

What are some common tricks to avoid when analyzing survey data?
When analyzing survey data, it is best to avoid these common pitfalls:

  1. Ignoring data cleaning – Unchecked missing or inconsistent data can skew results.
  2. Cherry-picking results – Looking only for expected outcomes can lead to biased insights.
  3. Misinterpreting statistical significance – A small difference isn’t always meaningful.
  4. Overcomplicating analysis – Too many filters or weightings can create confusion.
  5. Forgetting about visualization – Data storytelling matters! Use charts and dashboards for clarity.

What statistical tests are best for survey data analysis?
The best statistical tests depend on your data type and objectives:

  • Chi-square test – Ideal for analyzing relationships between categorical variables.
  • T-test – Compares means between two groups.
  • Regression analysis – Identifies relationships between variables.
  • Factor analysis – Groups related survey items for deeper insights.

Displayr’s survey analyzer makes running these tests simple, even if you’re not a stats expert.

What’s the difference between analyzing qualitative and quantitative survey data?
Although there are some similarities, dealing with qualitative or quantitative data will impact how you analyze your survey.

  • Quantitative data (e.g., ratings, multiple-choice responses) is analyzed using descriptive statistics, crosstabs, and statistical tests to identify patterns and trends.
  • Qualitative data (e.g., open-ended responses) requires text analysis, sentiment analysis, and thematic coding to uncover meaning and key themes.

How do I analyze my survey data in Displayr?
Analyzing survey data in Displayr really is as simple as:

  1. Take advantage of the guided flows – Use preloaded data to see how to make a crosstab, perform stat testing, and more.
  2. Connect your data – Import from Excel, CSV, SPSS, or survey platforms.
  3. Explore the possibilities – Start analyzing your own data. Check out Displayr Help for more ideas on how you can analyze survey data.

Displayr’s survey analyzer automates the hard parts, so you get insights instantly.

Learn more about survey

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