Histogram Maker

The fast, easy, and free way to create professional-looking and informative histograms.

Displayr - Histogram
Illustration of Displayr Histogram - Customize options

The most straightforward way to create and customize histograms

Enter your data, choose how you want your histogram to look, and you’re done. Add your histogram to one of Displayr’s templates or easily customize your report and histogram, including selecting the color palette, font, hover text, gaps, padding, and more.

Useful, interactive, and flexible histograms

Use your histogram to help clean and format data or to understand distributions in more advanced analysis. Add your histogram to a sample profile slide and annotate it with text boxes, arrows, and shapes to highlight exciting results. Create a dashboard by inserting multiple visualizations on one page. There are so many possibilities.

Illustration of Displayr Interactive Histogram
Illustration of Displayr Histogram - Export options

Easily publish, embed, or export your histogram to PowerPoint

You can publish your histogram, other visualizations, and your entire presentation with just one click. Make it interactive by adding filter drop-downs and hovers. Or export your presentation to PowerPoint or PDF. And if you have new data, switch the data file, and everything will update automatically, including your histogram.

Don’t just stop at histograms; Displayr is the complete tool for all your analysis, visualization, and reporting.

How to make a histogram
in 3 easy steps


Step 1

Sign up to Displayr for free to create your histogram.


Step 2

Follow the prompts to connect, type, or paste your data and create your histogram. Make sure you have numeric data. Next, add your other visualizations and text annotations.


Step 3

Add some filters to make your histogram interactive and publish or export to PowerPoint or as a PDF with one click.

Graph chart - Visualizations

Don’t limit yourself to just histograms

Ready to create more stunning graphs? Displayr provides a variety of awesome ways to visualize your data.

Whether it’s box and whisker plots, bar graphs or Venn diagrams, Displayr can help you convert your data into whatever story you want to tell!

And just like histograms, you can customize colors, sizes and fonts and have a play with Displayr’s cool features.

Even better, combine different visualizations to create a truly impressive infographic or presentation. What are you waiting for?

Analyze and visualize your data with ease

Instantly visualize what you are learning. Displayr is a robust, collaborative analysis and reporting tool built for humans, not robots. SQL, R, and no-code work in harmony together so you can analyze, visualize, and build your report simultaneously in the same app.

Displayr app screen showing Data App code

What is a histogram?

A histogram is used to visualize the underlying frequency distribution or shape of a set of continuous numeric data. For example, people’s height or weight or how many fast-food meals they consume per year.

First introduced by Karl Pearson, an English mathematician and biostatistician, a histogram provides a visual representation of the frequency of data distribution. They display a large amount of data and the frequency in which the data values appear.

The most common histogram shape is bell-shaped because it resembles a ‘bell’ curve and has one single peak in the middle of the data distribution. However, they come in a variety of different types, including uniform (where every value in the dataset occurs approximately same amount of times and there is no clear peak) and bimodal, where there are two distinctive peaks.

Histograms are also super useful because you can determine the median of the data as well as discovering any outliers or gaps. A histogram divides up the range of possible values into buckets or bins, places each observation into the relevant bin and then shows how many observations are in each bin.

Histograms can be used to identify the minimum data point, maximum data point, and the median. You can also use them to discover the standard median of the data. The range of the graph from left to right, is also called the class width, can be located by using a histogram.

However, don’t confuse the histogram for a vertical bar chart or column chart, while they may look similar, histograms have a more specific function.

It’s super easy to create a histogram with Displayr’s free histogram maker. All you have to do is enter in your data and choose how you want your histogram to look. Select the size of your histogram as well as what other colors you’d like to use alongside other formatting and appearance options. Our histogram generator is also fully editable and interactive, letting your viewers explore the data in their own time.

Displayr gets us out of PowerPoint and Excel and into a more advanced system where we all want to be. It almost makes the report building process more fun!
Dan Genord
Dan Genord

Director, Satrix Solutions

See why people love Displayr

Histogram FAQs

What are histograms used for?
A histogram is a type of visualization that displays the frequency of numerical data using rectangles or bars. It is often used to summarize continuous or discrete data that are measured on an interval scale. They are great for outlining the major features of the data distribution in a convenient form that is easy for the reader to understand.

What is the first step involved with creating a histogram?
To make a histogram, the first step is to divide the entire range of values into a series of intervals, and then count how many values fall into each interval. This process is known as ‘binning’ or ‘bucketing’.

What is the difference between a histogram and a bar graph?
Histograms have been mistaken with bar graphs but there is a stark difference between the two charts. A histogram is used to plot continuous data, where the intervals (or bins) represent the data ranges. A bar graph however, is a plot of categorical variables. Bar charts also have gaps between the rectangles whereas histograms typically will not have any gaps.

Why is there no space between bars in a histogram?
There is generally an absence of space between bars in a histogram because this type of graph represents a continuous data set and thus, there are no data gaps.

Can histograms have gaps between bars?
Yes, it is possible for histograms to have gaps between its bars to highlight where no data points exist. For example, if some pet owners in a suburb have 5 or more pets, but the rest of the pet owners have 0, 1 or 2 pets, the histogram for this data set would possess gaps between the bars because no pet owners have 3. 4, or 5 pets.

How can you tell whether a histogram is normally distributed?
To determine whether a histogram is normally distributed, you just need to check whether the data points follow the straight line. Therefore, if the data points are following the straight line, this means your data has been distributed normally.

What does the peak of a histogram represent?
The peak of a histogram signifies the mode or the most frequent value(s) within a data set. In cases where a histogram has multiple peaks, this means a data set possesses multiple modes. This is also known as a multimodal.

What are the different types of histograms?
There are uniform histograms, multimodal histograms, left skewed histograms, right skewed histograms, random histograms, symmetric histograms, bimodal histograms, and probability histograms.

How can I make a histogram for free with Displayr?
To use Displayr’s histogram creator, you need to sign up first, confirm your email by clicking on the confirmation link that you’ll receive, and then follow the prompts to create your first histogram.

How do you create a histogram in Displayr?

  • Click Visualization
  • Select Distributions
  • Select Histogram
  • Click Add Data or Drag across your variable from Data Sets
  • Click OK
  • Customize your histogram using the options in the right hand menu

Learn more about histograms

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