Instant Messaging Dashboard

Are you curious about the popularity of different instant messaging apps? Created in just 20 minutes, this dashboard lets you investigate the awareness, usage, and popularity of various messaging apps.

We’ve made it easy to navigate with hyperlinked buttons for the menu, and interactive filters to select between different platforms and demographics. Whether you want to know which app is most popular among millennials, or which app is gaining traction among seniors, this dashboard has you covered.

But don’t think that all this functionality means sacrificing style. Our layout is simple, with bright colors that pop, and a combination of emoticons and hand-drawn illustrations to give a fresh and modern impression.

So if you’re curious about the world of instant messaging apps, come explore with us! Our dashboard makes it easy to learn and have fun at the same time.

Displayr is at least 50% faster than just creating a PowerPoint presentation. In some cases, I think it’s even higher than 50%.
Matt Hubbard
Matt Hubbard

VP Data & Analytics, Cygnal

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