Fully-connected analysis and reporting software

Automate all the painful, time consuming, and repetitive analysis and reporting tasks you used to do manually.

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The benefits of fully-connected analysis and reporting

Analysis and reports automatically update when the data changes in real-time

When your data changes, Displayr instantly syncs and updates your analysis and report, saving hours, days, or even weeks of manual work. A huge time saver for trackers, pilot studies, syndicated reports, or those times when you discover a pesky mistake – it’s now a 30 second fix with Displayr.

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Interactive reports so everyone can explore the results

Viewers can interact with reports and find answers themselves - instantaneously. No more ending meetings with “I'll get back to you!”, Displayr empowers viewers to self-serve– freeing up everyone’s time.

Structure reports to reveal the most meaningful insights

No more hundred-page data dump presentations. Reports can be constructed to showcase the essence of a story, enabling viewers to drill down when they want more depth. Making it easy to tell memorable stories, not data.

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Do all your analysis and reporting really fast with Displayr

Create custom reports and dashboards yourself

Easy enough to do everything yourself. You don't need to have computer programming skills or write a single line of code (unless you want to). Easily get data in and quickly get the results out.

Foster effortless collaboration with your team

Discover how smooth collaborating with your team can be. Instead of waiting on each member to do their part, you can now all work on the same document in realtime. Watch it all come together – like magic.

One app for everything, for every skill level

For any type of data you have. For any number, you need to calculate. For the expert or the novice. From basic to advanced analysis to PowerPoint reports to online dashboards to the automation of every finicky time-sucky detail. Displayr is flexible, so it will help you smash every single analysis and reporting goal.


Discover what's now possible in analysis and reporting

Explore the new world of fully-connected analysis and reporting software.

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