The Complete Solution for Visualizing Data

Easily create beautiful and customizable visualizations that update when your data changes.

Illustration of Displayr happy client
Illustration of Displayr Data Visualization

Easily transform data into visual stories

Graph chart - Visualizations

100+ chart types

Displayr has the full suite of visualizations, from bar charts and donut charts through to pictographs, palms, and small multiples. There’s a visualization to match every need and every type of data. It even has visualizations designed for data cleaning.

Designed for market research

You can show statistical significance on charts, as well as deal with long labels, and long lists of categories. Need a pie chart that can show 100 brands and still looks good? We’ve got that too.

Illustration of Displayr Data visualization
Graph chart - No Code

Point-and-click and opt-in complexity via R

Displayr’s designed so you can create great visualizations by pointing and clicking. However, if you are used to using R packages to create visualizations, like ggplot2 and Plotly, you can do that from within Displayr as well.

Interactive visualization for dashboards and online reporting

Use interactivity to allow users to discovery their own stories in the data. Hover to see data points and add filters and other controls to that users can explore the data while viewing the visualization.

Illustration of Displayr Data visualization
Illustration of Displayr Data visualization - connect data source

No ‘double handling’

Forget analyzing data in one tool and visualizing it in another. With Displayr you can hook up your visualizations to your raw data and analysis. So when the data changes, the visualization changes.

Go beyond data visualization

Displayr is not just a data visualization platform; it excels in every aspect including crosstabs & pivot tables, trend analysis, advanced analytics, dashboards, PowerPoint reporting, data apps, and more. Once you have your data visualizations, you can seamlessly integrate them into your reports and even update everything automatically with new insights.

Illustration of Displayr Data visualization
We built three dashboards in the time it takes to build one. I built one, and then for the other two dashboards, it was just a matter of updating the data.
Wang Wang
Wang Wang

Senior Research Analyst, dunnhumby

Stunning data visualizations

Illustration for displayr all types of data

All types of data

SQL, databases, Excel, CSV, text, SPSS, survey platforms, APIs, integrations, & more.

Displayr support all types of analysis

All types of analysis

Summary tables, crosstabs, pivot tables, regression, text analysis, segmentation, machine learning, & more.

Illustration for displayr all types of reporting

All types of reporting

Data visualization, interactive data apps, dashboards, presentations, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, web pages, & more.

One complete platform to do it all

Automatic theme detection

AI automatically identifies and categorizes themes within your text data, providing deeper insights.

Emotion detection

Understand and analyze complex emotions like frustration and sadness, helping you understand customer motives.

Entity extraction

Extract key entities like names, places, and organizations to enrich your analysis.

Customizable categories

Fine-tune and adjust categories to match your specific needs and preferences.

Text visualization

Create stunning word clouds, charts, and dashboards that help tell the story behind your text.

Global language support

Analyze text data in any language, with true native language support to a global audience.

Sentiment analysis

Analyze large volumes of text to gauge positive, negative, or neutral sentiments.

Natural Language Processing

Extract insights with unrivalled accuracy, utilizing NLP to reduce manual effort and free up time.


Global Market Research Agency

Displayr helps MAC Research cut reporting and analysis time by 2/3rds


  • Standard survey tools lacking advanced dashboard capabilities
  • Searching for cutting-edge dashboard and reporting technology


  • Dashboard solution that automates manual processes
  • All-in-one software designed by market researchers


  • Cut reporting and analysis time by 2/3rds
  • 5x business growth in two years

“Life without Displayr would be like going back to the dark ages. I don't even want to imagine it.”
Michael Alborough
Michael Alborough
Founder, MAC Research

See why people love Displayr

Data visualization FAQs

What is data visualization?
Data visualization is the process of showing data through charts, graphs, or interactive visuals. By visualizing the data, you can make complex information easier to understand and analyze. This helps businesses and analysts uncover patterns, trends, and insights quickly.

Transforming raw data into easily understandable insights makes it easier to spot trends, identify relationships, and communicate findings more effectively. This, in turn, improves decision-making by simplifying complex data for stakeholders.

Data visualizations typically fall into one of three categories:

  • graphs
  • charts
  • maps

Some common examples within these categories include bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, scatter plots, heatmaps, and interactive dashboards.

Visualization presents data in a clear and interactive format, helping decision-makers quickly understand key metrics, compare trends, and identify outliers. This leads to more informed business strategies and faster results.
With so many different options, it can be a challenge to choose the right visualization for your data. That’s why Displayr offers over 100 different visualization options for your data, so you can always find the most effective way to visualize your insights.

Data visualization focuses on presenting data graphically, while data analytics involves processing, analyzing, and interpreting data to extract insights. Visualization is often a key part of the analytics process – it is difficult to visualize data that has not yet been analyzed.

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