Case Study - Lewers

How Displayr helps Lewers continually raise the bar for faster and higher quality reporting

“A report that would’ve taken a week to do previously is now ready in two days.”

Michelle Mercer
Data Analyst, Lewers Research


time saved on reporting


Lewers is experienced and forward-thinking market research company founded in 2005.

  • Need to deliver results fast with quick turnaround times for projects
  • Huge amount of manual labour involved in updating reports
  • High likelihood of human error involved in so much manual work
  • An all-in-one statistical package built for survey data with presentation and dashboarding tools
  • Interactive, live dashboards to share with and empower their clients
  • 71% time saved on data analysis and reports
  • Added value for clients

Spending too much time manually updating reports and presentations

Working on everything from data processing to segmentation and customer insights for Lewers, meant that Michelle had one huge challenge – the amount of manual labour involved in all those processes. As she says, in brand and advertising research, “there’s a lot of scope to constantly improve our processes and that’s what we always work towards.”

How much manual labour are we talking about? For Michelle’s ongoing advertising research, reports not only had to be manually updated but the entire process had to be repeated when the next wave of data came in. They were also unwieldy, with a single bi-annual report involving over 140 PowerPoint slides. Even more concerning was the worrying feeling that clients weren’t receiving the best insights they could since manually reproducing reports demanded the bulk of her time.


Easy-to-use reporting software built for survey data that offers striking visuals, dashboards, and PowerPoint automation

That’s why she was thrilled to discover Displayr – an all-in-one data analysis and reporting package that could help her deliver results to her clients much faster. Michelle found that she could rely on Displayr to do most of the data checking, reducing the chances of human error and saving her countless hours. Plus, because reports and dashboards in Displayr are connected to live source data, Michelle no longer has to manually update all her reports when new data comes in – dramatically cutting down on the time and effort it takes to create and update reports.

“A report that would’ve taken a week to do previously is now ready in two days. Now we can spend that time looking at what the data is saying and add more value for the client.”

Michelle Mercer
Data Analyst, Lewers

71% time saved on reporting and the transformation of a 140 slides PowerPoint presentation to just a single dashboard with 30 online pages

Not only has Michelle managed to slash the amount of time it takes to update her reports by 71%, she’s also been able to transform a beast of a PowerPoint presentation to an updatable, live dashboard – replacing over 140 slides which had to be manually updated with 30 online pages using hyperlinks, drilldowns, and filters! Her clients are thrilled that they now have the freedom to access and easily navigate their data and reports.

Now that they can more easily access their data and results, Michelle has empowered her clients to also take a more active role and self-serve. Having an interactive dashboard means they can now explore filters and look at results in a much more intuitive fashion. She says “once our clients started using the dashboard and saw how easy it was to navigate around, they actually got more involved with the reporting!”

Now she’s able to further refine her reports and presentations and create truly elegant and engaging presentations for her clients.

It's increasingly vital for consultants to be skilled in both advanced techniques and the art of presenting results in an engaging way.