Conjoint Streamlined In One Place

The simpler way to create experimental designs, analyze conjoint data, and create simulators – all in one complete analysis and reporting app.

Fast Food Choice Model

Unlock consumer preferences with conjoint studies

Conjoint - Experimental designs for conjoint

Experimental designs for conjoint

No matter which type of experimental design you require, we’ve got you covered, including efficient designs, partial profile designs, randomized designs, shortcut designs, prohibitions, orthogonal designs, and more. Displayr even guides you with suggestions and warnings to help you avoid making silly mistakes.

Conjoint analysis

Estimate any one of the key choice models, including HB (recommended), latent class analysis, multinomial logit, and multi-class HB. Color-coded summaries and histograms make it easy to interpret results.

Conjoint - Conjoint Analysis
Conjoint - Conjoint Simulators

Conjoint simulators

Create an interactive simulator in a couple of mouse clicks – it’s that easy. Goodbye, excel macros! Displayr has all the formatting tools to make your simulator look branded and beautiful. Secure access with logins and passwords. Allow clients to run their own simulations and explore the data – hassle-free!

Elevate your analysis beyond conjoint

Displayr is not just a Conjoint platform; it excels in every aspect including visualization, trend analysis, crosstabs, advanced analytics, dashboards, PowerPoint reporting, data apps, and more. Once you have your Conjoint analysis, you can seamlessly integrate it into your reports and even update everything automatically with new insights.

Displayr product - Professional quality reporting
Life without Displayr would be like going back to the dark ages. I don’t even want to imagine it.
Michael Alborough
Michael Alborough

Founder, MAC Research

10x faster conjoint analysis

Illustration for displayr all types of data

All types of data

SQL, databases, Excel, CSV, text, SPSS, survey platforms, APIs, integrations, & more.

Displayr support all types of analysis

All types of analysis

Summary tables, crosstabs, pivot tables, regression, text analysis, segmentation, machine learning, & more.

Illustration for displayr all types of reporting

All types of reporting

Data visualization, interactive data apps, dashboards, presentations, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, web pages, & more.

One complete platform to do it all

Automatic theme detection

AI automatically identifies and categorizes themes within your text data, providing deeper insights.

Emotion detection

Understand and analyze complex emotions like frustration and sadness, helping you understand customer motives.

Entity extraction

Extract key entities like names, places, and organizations to enrich your analysis.

Customizable categories

Fine-tune and adjust categories to match your specific needs and preferences.

Text visualization

Create stunning word clouds, charts, and dashboards that help tell the story behind your text.

Global language support

Analyze text data in any language, with true native language support to a global audience.

Sentiment analysis

Analyze large volumes of text to gauge positive, negative, or neutral sentiments.

Natural Language Processing

Extract insights with unrivalled accuracy, utilizing NLP to reduce manual effort and free up time.

Case Study - DATA EXPERT

Global Market Research Agency

Displayr helps Data Expert deliver custom solutions faster


  • Losing time to switching between multiple tools
  • High risk of error


  • Dashboard solution that automates manual processes
  • All-in-one software


  • 15% of projects/income Displayr-based
  • 50 to 75% more employee time available for value-added tasks when visualizing advanced data analytics

“Displayr's automation means we have more time to understand the data and concentrate on exploring and sharing its stories with customers.”
Balázs Svidro
Visual Analytics Engineer, DataExpert

See why people love Displayr

Conjoint analysis FAQs

What is conjoint?
Conjoint is an advanced analysis technique used by market researchers to uncover preferences, price sensitivity, and demand for specific product features. It is very powerful and is considered one of the most advanced techniques in market research.
The key to conjoint lies in the way data is collected. Respondents should be asked to choose hypothetical products with varying attributes. Once the answers have been selected, complex analysis is used to predict why people have made those choices.

Some typical examples of conjoint include:

  • Cost-benefit analysis for new transport
  • Creating new breakfast cereals
  • Designing new cabins on airplanes
  • Pricing strategies for subscription services.
Conjoint analysis measures customer preferences for combinations of attributes, helping identify optimal product configurations. MaxDiff (Maximum Difference Scaling) identifies the relative importance of individual attributes or options, ranking them by preference rather than combining them.

Conjoint analysis is a quantitative research method.

A choice simulator reports the results of a conjoint analysis. It is an interactive app that predicts market share (or another factor related to the study) and allows users to see how changing certain variables will impact the overall success of the product/service.

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