#1 Automated Statistical Testing Tool

Maximize the speed and quality of your data analysis with automation.

Illustration of Displayr happy client
Illustration of Displayr Statistical testing

Uncover rapid insights
with automated stat testing

Illustration of Displayr Statistical Expert systems - 50 statistical tests

Expert systems automatically choose between more than 50 statistical tests

Displayr looks at all the properties of your data – sample size, weights, data types, variable set type – and automatically chooses the most appropriate test.

Exception tests and column comparisons

By default Displayr uses exception tests to highlight the most interesting cells, using arrows and font color to emphasize the results. You can change this to column comparisons, where letters are used to indicate which cells on a table are significantly different to which other cells.

Illustration of Displayr Statistical Exception tests and column comparisons
Illustration of Displayr Statistical testing

Tests designed for survey data

Most statistical tests are not designed to work with weights. On our tables, all significant results will automatically use appropriate tests even with sampling weights (via Taylor Series Linearization).

Automatic deletion of uninteresting tables

Statistical tests can also be used to automatically delete tables in a report that contain no statistically significant results, saving you the time of even having to read the tests.

Illustration of Displayr Statistical testing Automatic deletion of uninteresting tables
Illustration of Displayr Statistical testing

Customize your automated statistical testing options 

You can customize the automated statistical testing options – levels of significance, multiple comparison correction, parametric versus nonparametric tests – and even write your own code for performing tests. You can also manually perform tests if you want to take complete control of the testing.

Automated updating

Tests automatically update when you revise the data, whether filtering, data cleaning, or adding in a new wave of data.

Illustration of Displayr Statistical testing Automated updating
Do yourself a favor and forget SPSS. Displayr is much easier to navigate, better visualizations, and a wider range of functionality.
Mark Szabo
Mark Szabo

Critical Mass

Faster automated statistical testing

Illustration for displayr all types of data

All types of data

SQL, databases, Excel, CSV, text, SPSS, survey platforms, APIs, integrations, & more.

Displayr support all types of analysis

All types of analysis

Summary tables, crosstabs, pivot tables, regression, text analysis, segmentation, machine learning, & more.

Illustration for displayr all types of reporting

All types of reporting

Data visualization, interactive data apps, dashboards, presentations, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, web pages, & more.

One complete platform to do it all

Automatic theme detection

AI automatically identifies and categorizes themes within your text data, providing deeper insights.

Emotion detection

Understand and analyze complex emotions like frustration and sadness, helping you understand customer motives.

Entity extraction

Extract key entities like names, places, and organizations to enrich your analysis.

Customizable categories

Fine-tune and adjust categories to match your specific needs and preferences.

Text visualization

Create stunning word clouds, charts, and dashboards that help tell the story behind your text.

Global language support ​

Analyze text data in any language, with true native language support to a global audience.

Sentiment analysis

Analyze large volumes of text to gauge positive, negative, or neutral sentiments.

Natural Language Processing

Extract insights with unrivalled accuracy, utilizing NLP to reduce manual effort and free up time.

Case Study - DATA EXPERT

Global Market Research Agency

Displayr helps Data Expert deliver custom solutions faster


  • Losing time to switching between multiple tools
  • High risk of error


  • Dashboard solution that automates manual processes
  • All-in-one software


  • 15% of projects/income Displayr-based
  • 50 to 75% more employee time available for value-added tasks when visualizing advanced data analytics

“Displayr's automation means we have more time to understand the data and concentrate on exploring and sharing its stories with customers.”
Balázs Svidro
Visual Analytics Engineer, DataExpert

See why people love Displayr

Automated statistical testing FAQs

What is statistical testing?
When researchers talk about statistical testing (or stat testing), it’s usually in reference to testing for statistical significance.
Stat testing usually happens for one of two reasons. Either it’s used as a safety net to ensure results are not a fluke, or as a way to identify insights quickly and save time when analyzing survey data.
Statistical significance indicates whether the results of a study are likely due to a real effect rather than random chance. Being able to find relationships that are statistically significant can be a massive time-saver in market research. For example, if you are dealing with survey results that have resulted in the creation of lots of different crosstabs, you can automatically sort and delete below a specific threshold, saving time spent analyzing statistically insignificant crosstabs.
Statistical testing software automates hypothesis testing, making it easier to analyze data without manual calculations. Displayr provides a powerful, user-friendly platform for running statistical tests, visualizing results, and generating insights.

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