Driver Analysis at Lightning Speed

Displayr’s built to make driver analysis smooth and fast with state-of-the-art algorithms and purpose-built visualizations. Say goodbye to long computing hours.

Illustration of Displayr happy client
Illustration of Displayr Driver Analysis

Unlock insights with fast driver analysis

Illustration of Pain-free driver analysis

Pain-free driver analysis

Until now, driver analysis either took way too long to compute or it was just too hard to do. Now you can easily smash through those hurdles and perform a state-of-the-art driver analysis yourself in a matter of mins. Easily create quad maps to communicate the results.

Speed to insight

Displayr uses expert systems to automatically solve many of the uglies of regression-type analysis (e.g., outliers, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and categorical outcome variables). While its clever use of algorithms mean that waiting hours for results to compute is a thing of the past – work out what’s important in a matter of minutes. Data processing is automated including data stacking and outlier removal.

Illustration of Displayr Driver Analysis
Illustration of Driver Analysis - Best-in-class-algorithms


Pick your algorithms or let Displayr figure it out for you. Algorithms include: state-of-the-art Johnson’s relative weights, Shapley, HB, PLS, Ridge Regression, Linear Regression, GLMs, Random Forest, and more.

Go beyond driver analysis

Displayr is not just a driver analysis platform; it excels in every aspect including visualization, trend analysis, crosstabs, advanced analytics, dashboards, PowerPoint reporting, data apps, and more. Once you have your driver analysis, you can seamlessly integrate it into your reports and even update everything automatically with new insights.

Displayr product - Professional quality reporting
Displayr is extremely powerful and extremely intuitive. It can do vastly more analysis more efficiently than any of the tools I’ve tried in the past.
Ron Gailey
Ron Gailey

President – Americas, MDI

10x faster driver analysis

Illustration for displayr all types of data

All types of data

SQL, databases, Excel, CSV, text, SPSS, survey platforms, APIs, integrations, & more.

Displayr support all types of analysis

All types of analysis

Summary tables, crosstabs, pivot tables, regression, text analysis, segmentation, machine learning, & more.

Illustration for displayr all types of reporting

All types of reporting

Data visualization, interactive data apps, dashboards, presentations, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, web pages, & more.

One complete platform to do it all

Automatic theme detection

AI automatically identifies and categorizes themes within your text data, providing deeper insights.

Emotion detection

Understand and analyze complex emotions like frustration and sadness, helping you understand customer motives.

Entity extraction

Extract key entities like names, places, and organizations to enrich your analysis.

Customizable categories

Fine-tune and adjust categories to match your specific needs and preferences.

Text visualization

Create stunning word clouds, charts, and dashboards that help tell the story behind your text.

Global language support

Analyze text data in any language, with true native language support to a global audience.

Sentiment analysis

Analyze large volumes of text to gauge positive, negative, or neutral sentiments.

Natural Language Processing

Extract insights with unrivalled accuracy, utilizing NLP to reduce manual effort and free up time.


Global Market Research Agency

Displayr helps MAC Research cut reporting and analysis time by 2/3rds


  • Standard survey tools lacking advanced dashboard capabilities
  • Searching for cutting-edge dashboard and reporting technology


  • Dashboard solution that automates manual processes
  • All-in-one software designed by market researchers


  • Cut reporting and analysis time by 2/3rds
  • 5x business growth in two years

“Life without Displayr would be like going back to the dark ages. I don't even want to imagine it.”
Michael Alborough
Michael Alborough
Founder, MAC Research

See why people love Displayr

Driver analysis FAQs

What is driver analysis?

Driver analysis is a statistical technique used to quantify the importance of a series of predictor variables in determining a given outcome. It is used by researchers to determine:

  • How to improve brand preference
  • How price impacts purchasing
  • Brand positioning

Key driver analysis is just another way of saying driver analysis. Other variations on the name include importance analysis and relative importance analysis.

In terms of reporting, the key output from driver analysis is usually a table or chart that shows the relative importance of different predictors. Typically, they will add up to 100%.

  • Driver analysis identifies cause-and-effect relationships between variables and an outcome.
  • Correlation analysis only measures the strength of the relationship between two variables without determining causation.
Yes! Although quantitative data is typically used for driver analysis, it is possible to make it work with qualitative data. You can read this guide on using open-ended survey responses, Tweets, or any other text data for driver analysis to learn how.
Driver analysis is scored by determining the relative importance of each predictor in explaining the outcome variable. This is done using techniques such as beta scores, correlations, Shapley Regression, and Johnson’s Relative Weights. These techniques account for differences in scale and correlations between predictors to provide a clear measure of influence.

Driver analysis is applied across various different industries each day, including:

  • Market Research: Identifying the biggest influences on customer satisfaction.
  • Retail: Analyzing factors that drive repeat purchases.
  • Finance: Determining what influences customer churn.
  • Healthcare: Understanding what impacts patient satisfaction.With Displayr, businesses can conduct these analyses quickly and efficiently.

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