The page gathers together the different materials we have on our Visualizations and how they work.

Column Charts

Column Chart

How to Make a Column Chart in Displayr

What is a Column Chart?

Customizing Colors Within a Series on a Bar, Column, or Pyramid Visualization

How To Add a Line to a Column Chart

Using Sparklines to Show Trends in Bar and Column Charts

Technical Documentation: Small Multiples Column Chart



How to Make a Histogram in Displayr

Technical Documentation: Histogram

Bar Charts

How to Create a Bar Chart in Displayr

Customizing Colors Within a Series on a Bar, Column, or Pyramid Visualization

7 Alternatives to Word Clouds for Visualizing Long Lists of Data

Why Pie Charts Are Better Than Bar Charts

Where Pictographs Beat Bar Charts: Proportional Data

Where Pictographs Beat Bar Charts: Count Data

5 Ways to Visualize Relative Importance Scores from Key Driver Analysis

Using Sparklines to Show Trends in Bar and Column Charts

Technical Documentation: Bar Chart

Technical Documentation: Pictograph Bar Chart

Technical Documentation: Small Multiples Bar Chart


Pyramid Charts

How to Create a Pyramid Chart in Displayr

Customizing Colors Within a Series on a Bar, Column, or Pyramid Visualization

Technical Documentation: Pyramid Chart


Line Charts

How to Create a Line Chart in Displayr

Using Sparklines to Show Trends in Bar and Column Charts

How To Add a Line to a Column Chart

Technical Documentation: Small Multiples Line Chart


Time Series Graph

How to Create a Time Series Graph in Displayr

2 Ways to Smooth Time Series in Displayr

Smoothing Time Series Data

Technical Documentation: Time Series Graph


Area Chart

How to Make an Area Chart in Displayr

Technical Documentation: Small Multiples Area Chart


Pie and Donut Charts

pie chart

How to Create a Pie Chart in Displayr

What's Better Than Two Pie Charts?

7 Alternatives to Word Clouds for Visualizing Long Lists of Data

5 Ways to Visualize Relative Importance Scores from Key Driver Analysis

A Pie Chart for Pi Day: The Data Scientist Pie Eating Challenge

Why Pie Charts Are Better Than Bar Charts

Technical Documentation: Pie Chart

Technical Documentation: Donut Chart

Technical Documentation: Number in Donut


Radar Charts

How to Make a Radar Chart in Displayr

Technical Documentation: Radar Chart

Technical Documentation: Small Multiples Radar Chart


Scatterplots and Bubble Charts

scatter plot

What is a Scatter Plot?

What is a Labeled Scatter Plot?

What is a Bubble Chart?

Using Scatterplots to Chart Trends in Displayr

Adding Logos to Scatter Plots in Displayr

Using Bubble Charts to Show Significant Relationships and Residuals in Correspondence Analysis

5 Ways to Visualize Relative Importance Scores from Key Driver Analysis

Labeled Scatter Plots and Bubble Charts in R

Technical Documentation: Scatterplot

Technical Documentation: Small Multiples Scatterplot


Density, Bean, and Violin Plots

How to Make a Density Plot in Displayr

How to Create a Violin plot in Displayr

Using Heatmap Coloring on a Density Plot Using R to Visualize Distributions

Technical Documentation: Density Plot

Technical Documentation: Bean Plot

Technical Documentation: Violin Plot


Geographic Maps (Cartograms, Choropleths)

How to Make a Geographic Map in Displayr

How to Set the Initial Zoom and Position of Geographic Maps

How to Plot Data on an Interactive Globe in Displayr

Building an Interactive Globe Visualization in R

7 Alternatives to Word Clouds for Visualizing Long Lists of Data

How to Build a Geographic Dashboard with Real-Time Data

Technical Documentation: Geographic Map

Technical Documentation: Small Multiples Geographic Map



How to Create a Heatmap in Displayr

Too Hot to Handle? The Problem with Heatmaps

Making Your Data Hot: Heatmaps for the Display of Large Tables

Heatmap Shading on Tables and Charts

Using Heatmap Coloring on a Density Plot Using R to Visualize Distributions

Making Your Data Hot: Heatmaps for the Display of Large Tables

2 Rules for Coloring Heatmaps so That Nobody Gets Burnt

Technical Documentation: Heatmap


Box Plots

How to Create a Box Plot in Displayr

Technical Documentation: Box Plot


Venn Diagram

How to Make a Venn Diagram in Displayr

Technical Documentation: Venn Diagram


Sankey Diagram

Gradient Boosting Sankey Diagram

How to Create a Sankey Diagram From a Table in Displayr

How to Create Sankey Diagrams From Tables (Data Frames) Using R

Creating Custom Sankey Diagrams Using R

Visualizing Response Patterns and Survey Flow With Sankey Diagrams

Using Colors Effectively in Sankey Diagrams

Decision Tree Visualizations using Sankey Diagrams or Charts

Technical Documentation: Sankey Diagram



How to Create a Streamgraph in Displayr

Technical Documentation: Streamgraph


Bump Chart, or Ranking Plot

Ranking plot max diff

How to Create a Bump Chart (Ranking Plot) from a Table Using Displayr

Ranking Plots: Illustrating Data with Different Magnitudes


Word Clouds

Sentiment analysis word cloud

How to Show Sentiment in Word Clouds using R

How to Show Sentiment in Word Clouds using Displayr

How to Show Sentiment in Word Clouds

7 Alternatives to Word Clouds for Visualizing Long Lists of Data

Using Text Analytics to Tidy a Word Cloud

The Best Tool for Creating a Word Cloud

Technical Documentation: Word Cloud



pictograph example - alcohol consumption

How to Create a Single Icon Pictograph in Displayr

How to Create a Repeated Icon Pictograph in Displayr

How to Create a Pictograph Bar Chart in Displayr

Where Pictographs Beat Bar Charts: Proportional Data

Where Pictographs Beat Bar Charts: Count Data

How to easily add custom icons in Displayr

Palm Tree Chart

How to Create a Palm Tree Chart in Displayr

Using Palm Trees to Visualize Performance Across Multiple Dimensions (Egypt's Scary Palm Tree)

Technical Documentation: Palm Trees



NPS column chart with sparklines

Using Sparklines to Show Trends in Bar and Column Charts



Moonplots: A Better Visualization for Brand Maps


Single Number Visualizations

Visualization to illustrate a single number

How to Create a Single Icon Pictograph in Displayr

How to Create a Repeated Icon Pictograph in Displayr

Technical Documentation: Number



Customizing the Look and Feel of Tables in Displayr

How to Customize Tables You Can Format and Align at Will in Displayr

Make Beautiful Tables with the Formattable Package